The Basketball and Volleyball teams of Darshan Academy, Meerut showcased exceptional talent and sportsmanship at the Youth Sports Carnival 2024, organized by the Department of Physical Education at IIMT University, Ganganagar, on 14-15 December 2024. The Girls’ Volleyball Team secured the First Position, while the 
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“Success is not given; it is earned through dedication, determination, and discipline.” The UP Western State Stairs Youth Sports Championship, held on December 7, 2024, at Khaitan Public School, Ghaziabad, became a moment of triumph for the Darshan Academy Basketball Teams. The Boys’ Under-19 Team 
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Success is where preparation meets opportunity. Darshan Academy, Meerut, proudly celebrates a remarkable achievement as Nishtha secured the first position in the Under-13 Girls category at the prestigious UP State Rating Inter-School Chess Tournament-2024 held on  November 16-17, 2024, organised by the UP Chess Sports Association 
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Champions keep playing until they get it right. In a display of unwavering determination, athletes of Darshan Academy, Meerut showcased their prowess at the UP State Sports Championship 2023-24, organised by Stairs UP, a unit of Stairs Foundation at Ghaziabad. The Academy added another feather 
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Our Skating Champion Glides to Nationals! Honey, a student of class X Darshan Academy, Meerut, and the rising star in roller skating, has left an indelible mark at the CBSE North Zone-1 competition organised between October 26-29, 2023. Competing in the under-16 category, Honey seized 
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Two exceptional students from Darshan Academy Meerut, Nidhi and Pratha of Class IX, brought laurels to the Academy by bagging Gold and Bronze medals in the prestigious Khelo India Women’s Kickboxing League. This national-level event, organized by ASMITA (Achieving Sports Milestone by Inspiring Women through 
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 To encourage sports activities and raise awareness about the importance of fitness, World Athletics Day was celebrated by the primary wing of Darshan Academy, Meerut, on May 6, 2023.  The young athletes participated in fun activities like hula hoop, rolly polly, water transfer and crawling 
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Zestful Darshanites of classes 3 to 8 of Darshan Academy, Meerut, displayed spirit and enthusiasm as they participated in the Inter-House Tunnel Race on April 15, 2023. The playground echoed with cheers as the balls crossed the pathway tunnels. The competition was stiff, and the 
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Meerut Darshanites yet again sparkled like stars and proved their incessant energy in an Inter School Sports Championship “Vividhanjali 3.0 Spardha” held at Delhi Public School, Meerut on 05 November 2022. In this gala celebration of skills, passion and energy, Honey of Class IX bagged 
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Champions keep playing until they get it right. It is their persistence, perseverance and grit that turns ordinary into extraordinary achievement. What a victory! 28 apprized feathers at a time. It was certainly a day to cherish for Darshan Academy, Meerut as 19 high spirited 
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Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj