Internal Workshop on Innovative Teaching Pedagogies

Igniting Minds through Innovative Teaching Pedagogies.

Darshan Academy, Meerut,  hosted an internal workshop on innovative teaching pedagogies on January 6, 2024, setting the tone with 10 minutes of meditation and inspiring words by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. Presenters delved into the interdisciplinary nature of education, focusing on designing integrated pedagogy for effective classroom transactions. Participants were engaged in group activities to foster critical thinking and creative solutions and amplify their ability to tackle challenges. All the sessions addressed classroom management challenges, including diverse strategies to minimize gaps and enhance teaching efficacy. The workshop buzzed with vibrant discussions as participants shared experiences, making it a dynamic and enriching environment. All attendees felt empowered and enriched, ready to apply newfound insights in their teaching journeys.

Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj